Dear clients,

as per our last announcement, we want to inform that the transformation/Migration from our old Core
consisting of a Cisco 6509 switch has been completed.  Last optimizations where made yesterday.
All is successful and running on a completely new routing stack.

We are now running on a Juniper MX960 PREM3 as Core Router and have some Arista Switches as Edge Devices.

After all is done now, we want to give you a brief insight why this was needed and there was no way arround to this upgrade to offer you the best possible services.

Why did we do this?

Our Cisco 6509 was a very old device, we had it since 2019 from our old datacenter provider (we moved datacenter in 2023).
They had it laying arround.   This device was able to push almost 100Gbit of live traffic. The backplane of it was very limited due to its age. The Router has 9 slots of which is capable of switching
Last but not least this device didnt support anything higher then 10Gbit. What you do is here you basically join lots of 10Gbit ports into a LAG to have decent capacity.
As we where expanding heavily, we needed something new. The Switch Fabric became heavily on its limit.

In August we have purchased the MX960-PREM3. This device is able to handle up to 11 Tbit of Traffic, hold numerous BGP Full tables,
push alot of packets and support 100 and 400Gbit Ports. Our goal is to deliver 10Gbit and 40Gbit Servers as a standard.  We didnt setup any new 1Gbit Servers starting 2024 anymore.
All new Servers have 10Gbit ports (Full Duplex Fiber) to their switches.  Thats why we upgraded existing 1Gbit Servers to UNMETERED 1gbit (full use of 330TB! NO fair use limit!).  
While 10Gbit Servers receive 150TB included and can upgrade to the full 10gbit unmetered unshared. We think in early Q1/2025 we will also start offering 40Gbit Servers where the customers can select
in modes; 10,20,40Gbit and book the needed bandwidth (minimum 5-10gbit bandwidth to be booked on 40Gbit.).   Mext week we receive 80 HP Servers and the week after another 64. All will have 10Gbit ports as well and we will interconnect each Rack with minimum 160/200Gbit to our new MX960.

VPS Nodes as well are planned to be upgraded from 1Gbit to 10Gbit each.  New ones where also setup with 10Gbit but a few still running on 1Gbit. Once this is done we will update and Upgrade all VPS to 10Gbit.

Our Switch and Routingboards are all 2+1 Redundant inside this device. We also have two line cards for now with numerous 100G ports
We can expand the device anytime (without downtime of course) and add more linecards  with more ports 40/100/400G.  
For now we deploy 40 and 100G ports all in a LAG to other destinations in our network.  

For the Edge we use Arista DCS switches (to deliver the Racks their switches with bandwidth) which have redundant LAG to each of the line cards in case one die, everything will contiune to perform. We already tested it by plugging out cables and transceivers of each other to make sure everything is working as excepted.  

You can read more about this device here (if interested)

We are sorry if was a few more hiccups as expected.  But now we dont except to make such a big migration for the next at least 5 years :) This device is big enough to handle any of our growth.
We are now successfully running on the new core and you might even see performance boosts of your servers network!

Thank you for understanding and being with us!

Monday, October 21, 2024

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